Colin Brett
I am a shamanic practitioner and have been since starting my formal training in 2010.
I am urban. I live in a concrete forest, I listen to my shamanic drum on my iPhone, my practice room has comfortable chairs and I burn sage in an ashtray. And it works well.
I believe that we all belong and are connected to each other, nature and the Greater Whole, even if we doubt that or do not feel that. I am convinced that we live in a smaller reality within a greater reality with which we can communicate and cooperate.
Through this cooperation I believe that we can give our lives value, meaning and purpose, and feel more alive and vibrant.
I work in person from Islington, London.
What brings me to this work?
I grew up in the traditional British system of that time. Morning assembly, church, Divinity lessons. For a while I wondered about studying Theology. Fitting in was important, being different was unwise. That all passed.
Throughout the following years there were moments of awareness, occasionally feeling a call and always wanting to know what else there was behind things. While I was living in Cape Town, I was recommended to go to a shaman and from my first visit it was clear that this was my path.
Taking the shamanic path has given my life a purpose, and that that purpose includes working in and with Non-Ordinary Reality. This felt both like a confirmation, a relief and a welcome, and gave me a way of living as a spiritual being, and making spirituality without religion a significant part of my life.
I see spiritual work as being similar to coaching, counselling or mentoring. There are many overlaps and parallels. My other work is mainly with people the traditional professions such as law, consulting or finance, and my shamanic work is primarily with people who work in these professions.